Nier: Automata was released in 2017 on the 23rd February and was designed to be a pseudo-sequel to the original Nier that was released back in 2010 but doesn’t have too much connection between them both. Nier: Automata is considered one of the best action hack and slash RPG’s out there on the market, but is that truly the case? Keep reading to find out why that may or may not be true!
In Nier: Automata, you are a member of Yorha, a group of humanoid-looking androids that currently cultivate Earth, all in the defence of the humans. Many years prior, aliens came to Earth and decimated much of the human race with their destructive robots. In a last-ditch effort to save humanity, the humans flew to safety on the Moon, leaving behind the androids to defend against the aliens until they no longer have to. Up until recently, very little changes have been made, until it’s observed that the robots are acting differently. Through the eyes of 3 different androids: 2B, 9S, and A2, you’ll discover the mystery and enjoy 3 completely different endings to discover what exactly is going on.

Playing like a typical character-action game, Nier: Automata has a very strong and satisfying combat system that will have you creating complex combo’s, both ground and aerial from the very start. Thanks to the inclusion of weapon sets, you can switch between two different sets of weapons on the fly, allowing you to fight as simple or as complex as you desire. With several different weapon types, you can mix and match between heavier and lighter weapons to ensure that your combo’s come out just how you like them.
Outside of the core combat, you’ll get to enjoy exploring the open-world of Nier: Automata, partaking in quests, defeating bosses, acquiring resources, and making general upgrades to your android and their gear as they go along. Through constant combat and questing, you’ll eventually level up, all the way up to level 100 as the maximum and while it doesn’t allow for any customisation with stats, your character will become stronger as a result.

Nier: Automata is a gorgeous game, and that’s mainly down to its set-pieces and environments. Earth may have been taken over by the robots/aliens, but nature itself has also taken back what was once theirs and it shows. Many of the locations you explore look as if their natural state has taken over and makes for some gorgeous environments to explore. While some of the NPC’s do look fairly generic, every main character that you come across is instantly recognisable and won’t be forgotten in a hurry, partly due to just how well everything seems to be designed.
Pros and Cons

Starting with the pros: the combat is easily some of the best we’ve seen in an action hack and slash and is pretty much on-par with the likes of Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. When it comes to the story, it’s an incredible piece of narrative that will have you roped in from the very beginning and won’t let you go until you finish the game all 3 times with each android, allowing for a completely different perspective on all of the events in the game. On top of all of this, the game as a whole is a gorgeous sight, regardless of the platform you’re playing on and is not to be missed.
Moving onto the cons: having to complete the game 3 different times with completely different characters does make for unique combat, but can become a little repetitive, as you’ll be seeing many of the same locations multiple times. At times, the game can be a tad unforgiving with its combat. When you’re not prepared for a fight or you stumble upon the wrong boss a little bit too early in the game, if you forgot to save, you’re going to have your behind handed to you and will end up losing you some progress if you’re not careful enough.
In conclusion, Nier: Automata pretty much deserves all of the praise it gets. Sure, the repetitive nature of going through the story 3 different times can be a tad repetitive, but the narrative of the unique and engaging story each time is usually more than enough to keep you around. Not to mention, the combat is a great aspect of the game and just like with the 2 games that inspired its combat, it doesn’t become boring very easily.
Any fan of a good story-focused game or a good RPG will love everything Nier: Automata has to throw at them, all the way from start to finish for this solid action hack-and-slash RPG.